Dear Parent/Guardian,
Late this afternoon I received notification from Wrexham Local Authority that the fourth week of the phased wider opening of schools will not run. The LA has witten to communicate the reasons for their decison in a letter to you. You can download the letter, here.
This decision will mean our Programme for students will be reduced to three weeks, not four, and the term will end on Friday July 17th. You may well have read this in the media already this evening.
This short message is being sent to ensure that you are kept up to date with the changes which apply to schools across Wrexham. I will communicate our detailed plans for June 29th onwards next week.
Please be assured that the days already communicated to you for your child, from June 29th to July 17th, will remain the same.
We are all looking forward to meeting your child again face to face after such a long time.
Kind regards
Melanie Ferron Evans