Welcome to a brand new academic year and an exciting time for the Mathematics department.  I would like to introduce myself as the new Head of Mathematics at Ysgol Rhiwabon.  I have many years of experience teaching Mathematics and am very excited to lead and progress this vitally important subject.

The department this year consists of 5 members of staff and I have listed below the names should you wish to discuss any part of your child’s Mathematics education.  Alternatively please contact the school office, where you will be able to leave a message and we will get back to you.

Mrs E BeveridgeHead of Maths
Mrs N LewisNumeracy Co-ordinator
Mr J TonksLead Learner for Year 10
Mr P BinghamAssistant Headteacher
Mrs C WilliamsMathematics Teacher

Many thanks,

Emma Beveridge
Head of Maths

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