School Transport Application New Process 2019
With effect from 1st March 2019, parents will be able to apply for their child’s free school transport via the Council’s online Citizen’s Portal.
Since September 2013, parents have applied for school places using the Portal, direct to the Council’s Education Admissions department. Now, School Transport Applications will be accessed in the same manner.
Parents will only be able to make application for transport after their child’s school place is confirmed by Admissions on the 1st March, and will then have until 31st March to apply for transport via the Portal for the new term in September.
Parents will be notified of the decision by email no later than 31st July.
Parents are reminded that free transport is only provided to pupils attending their nearest suitable school and then only where the walking distance from Home to School is more than 2 miles for Primary, and 3 miles for Secondary.
Download this info in English and Welsh here.
For more information visit the Wrexham CBC transport website:-
For information about the National Assembly for Wales’ Measure to make provision about the travel of persons receiving primary, secondary or further education or training to and from schools or other places where they receive it; and for connected purposes:-
Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008