June 23rd 2020
For those students in Yr 9 not attending school in last 3 weeks of Term.
Italy Case study
Complete a variety of tasks to produce your own project on Italy.
- draw and label a map, include cities, mountain ranges, seas, islands, areas of volcanic activity, colour the flag,
- make a mind map of Italian foods
- draw the major landmarks, showing where they are located
- show the differences between North and South Italy
- devise a Tour of Italy to last 7 – 10 days, taking in the major sights
June 15th 2020
- Flags of the world (medium)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx4x5Bqm6Ag
- Flags of the world (difficult)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jaDhfCm8XU
Instructions: Test your knowledge by watching the videos. Re-watch them until you can match most of the flags to the correct country. Aim to state the answer before the answer is given. You could also test your family members too!
June 2nd 2020
Watch the video to test your knowledge of the countries of Europe. Watch it again untl you can name them all.
Optional Extra: create a fact file about 3 countries of Europe, to include food, currency, culture, terrain, industry, economic activity.
May 12th 2020
Work for Year 9
Follow the PPT to complete a series of activities on the deforestration of the Amazon.
April 29th 2020
Work for Year 9