Plas Madoc Communities First – Parent Carers Support Group

image001.jpgPlas Madoc Commumnities First is now running the Kettle Club, a Parent Carers Support Group open to any parent / carer living in Wrexham

The Kettle Club meets every Thursday between 12.30 pm and 2.30 pm at the Opportunity Centre, Hampden Way, Plas Madoc.

The group has guest speakers and the sessions provide the opportunity for parents/ carers to meet and discuss issues around caring, and problems they face. For further information please contact Claire on 01978 813912

The group is open to all areas and ages.


Are you looking after a relative or friend, who because of a disability, sensory impairment and/ or the effects of age could not manage without your help?

If yes, Wrexham Carers Service can assist in many ways.

We provide information, support, training and a variety of social activities.

If you would like any further information please ring 01978 318812 or visit the website at:

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