WJEC: Arrangement for Awarding – Summer 2020

Message from Ian Morgan, Chief Executive, WJEC

Today, Qualifications Wales has announced arrangements for awarding qualifications following the cancellation of the summer examinations by the Minister for Education on 18 March, and has published guidance for teachers, students, parents and carers. We welcome these publications from Qualifications Wales, as our priority is to ensure that the work of learners entered for our qualifications is recognised and they achieve a fair grade so they can progress.

We are committed to working with Qualifications Wales, schools and colleges to award grades for this summer’s approved GCSE, AS, A level, Skills Challenge Certificate regulated by Qualifications Wales and also the EPQ qualifications.

Over the coming weeks we will be liaising with schools and colleges regarding the submission of their centre assessment grades and the rank order for each of the learners entered for these WJEC qualifications. The submission date for this information will be no earlier than 29 May.

We are continuing to work with regulators on how we will award the range of entry level, level 1/2 and level 3 qualifications we provide. As soon as further information is available we will notify you immediately .

Centres following WJEC Eduqas qualifications

For centres in Wales providing any of our WJEC Eduqas qualifications, similar arrangements have been announced by Ofqual for GCSE, AS, A level and EPQ qualifications.

Ongoing support

We understand that this a particularly stressful time for our teachers and learners and that many of you have further questions you wish us to answer. We can assure you that we are working tirelessly to finalise our approaches and to ensure that learners, who have worked hard in preparing for their qualifications over a number of years, are treated fairly. Our teams remain committed to supporting all our teachers, learners and centres, and we will publish further information in due course, including a range of updated FAQs.

We wish to thank you for your patience and continued understanding and hope you are staying safe at this challenging time for us all.

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