WCBC Free play provision

WCBC Play & Youth support team deliver a number of free open-access play sessions during term-time & school holidays (excluding February half term & Christmas).

Sessions are aimed at 5-15 year olds, under 5’s are welcome to attend with an appropriate carer.


Description: Description: Description: http://www.wrexham.gov.uk/assets/png/logo_circle.pngimage001.png@01D12868.DFDFC8F0″ id=”x_x_Picture_x0020_18″ width=”18″ height=”19″ size=”1563″ contenttype=”image/png” style=”width: 0.1875in; height: 0.2083in; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;” data-outlook-trace=”F:2|T:2″ src=”https://www.ysgolrhiwabon.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/image002.png”>  01978 298361 

Description: Description: Description: http://www.wrexham.gov.uk/assets/png/address.png  Canolfan Ragoriaeth Rhiwabon, Ffordd Stanley, Rhiwabon, Wrecsam. LL14 6AH

Description: Description: Description: http://www.wrexham.gov.uk/assets/png/address.png  Ruabon Centre of Excellence, Stanley Grove, Ruabon, Wrexham.   LL14 6AH   

Description: Description: Description: http://www.wrexham.gov.uk/assets/png/web.png   wrecsam.gov.uk |  wrexham.gov.uk/play

Description: Description: Description: http://www.wrexham.gov.uk/assets/png/twitter.png   twitter.com/cbswrecsam |

Description: Description: Description: http://www.wrexham.gov.uk/assets/png/facebook.png  facebook.com/cyngorwrecsam  | facebook.com/wrexhamcouncil


The PTI Logo - 3 Subjects
The PTI Logo - History
The PTI Logo - Mathematics
The PTI Logo - Science
The PTI Logo - Leadership
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